Select Writings Volume 1
Samuel Trott
Originally Printed In Embracing a Period from 1832-1862
Posted On July 1, 2016
A compilation of Samuel Trott’s Writings, Copied from the “Signs of the Times” Embracing a period of thirty years. Volume #1.
Samuel Trott {1784 to 1866} was one of the leading Baptist frontier ministers. Along with Gilbert Beebe, he was one the most influential of that group of Particular Baptists which came to be known as “Old School.” Born in Walpole, New Hampshire, in 1784, he first joined a Presbyterian Church and in his own words, became a “pretty strict formalist” and a “legalist.” In time he was persuaded of the ‘truth’ of the Baptist position, and sought out those of like-minded faith, and was consequently baptized by Elder Parkinson of New York, on December 22nd, 1810. In 1816, we find him in Ohio where he taught school and preached. In 1820, he travelled as far west as the Licking Particular Baptist Association, where, after preaching in the home of Elder Ambrose Dudley, he baptized his son, Thomas P. Dudley. Still later, we find him in Virginia, where he served Frying Pan Baptist Church at the Fairfax County Court House. He was a contemporary of Elder Gilbert Beebe and a frequent contributor to the “Signs of the Times.” {An Old School, or Primitive Baptist Periodical that was begun in 1832 by Gilbert Beebe in New Vernon, N. Y.} He also was an author of the Black Rock Address; {which was a manifesto of a meeting that took place in Black Rock, Maryland in May, 1832,} consisting of resolutions against “uniting with worldly societies,” and a declaration of non-fellowship with those who had done so. By “worldly societies” were meant Missionary, Sabbath-school, Bible, Tract, and Temperance Societies, &c., against which those of the Black Rock Meeting protested, as being at that time practiced among the portion of the Baptist denomination which were known as Fullerites. In 1832 he became Pastor at Welsh Tract Church, which is located in New Castle County, Delaware, which was reputedly the oldest Old School Baptist Church in the United States, and the only American Baptist Church that was regularly organized in Europe before immigrating to the United States. He died on October 31, 1866.
Much similar to the Editorial writings of his dear friend and fellow laborer in the Gospel of God’s Grace, Gilbert Beebe, these writings of Samuel Trott are a rich storehouse of theological treasures, which will, under the blessing of the LORD, yield rich dividends of Gospel Truth to inquiring minds intuned to the work of the Spirit to glorify Christ. With this volume of Trott’s Writings, as selected from the Signs of the Times, we hope, under the blessing of the LORD, to attempt to establish afresh, a renewed evaluation and appreciation, of the writings of one who faithfully served his generation, in setting forth the Glories of Christ’s Redemption-Grace; not only to those who were privileged to sit under his Christ Exalting Ministry, but to many subsequent generations of Christ minded, I Cor.2:16, believers; even to this dark day, wherein the Essential Truths of the Gospel are, for the most part thrown aside, or trampled underfoot by men whose minds have been corrupted from the simplicity, II Cor.11:3, or singleness that is in Christ.