Re-Assertion of Grace
Robert Towne
Originally Printed In 1654
Posted On June 1, 2014
Re-Assertion of Grace or, Vindiciae Evangelii. A Vindication of the Gospel-truths, from the unjust censure and undue aspersions of Antinomians. In a modest Reply to Anthony Burgess, and his book, Vindiciae Legis. Also Samuel Rutherford’s Trial and Triumph of Faith, from which also Mr. Geerie and Mr. Bedford may receive a satisfactory answer.
Robert Towne, 1592-1664, who many years earlier wrote his Defense of the Doctrine of Free Justification by Christ Alone, entitled “an Assertion of Grace,” {published in 1644,} now sends forth this second dose of rich Gospel Truth, as a reply to the writings of one Anthony Burgess and other Presbyterian Opponents of God’s Free Grace in Christ, appropriately titled “a Re-Assertion of Grace.”
The title page contains this introduction, “a Re-Assertion of Grace or, Vindiciae Evangelii; or a Vindication of Gospel Truths, from the unjust censure and undue aspersions of Antinomians; in a modest Reply to Anthony Burgess, Vindiciae Legis. Together with the book entitled, Monomachia; or, a Single Reply to Mr. Samuel Rutherford’s book called Christ’s dying and drawing of sinners. By Robert Towne. 1654.” A Preface to this volume by John Webster will constitute a brief introduction. “There is a little book called the Assertion of Grace, printed in 1644, by some well-wishers to the truth as it is in Jesus; that, with Dr. Crisp’s Sermons and Eaton’s Honeycombe of Free Justification by Christ Alone, being thronged with pikes of despite ever since their publication, have occasioned this Re-Assertion, to rescue and vindicate the credit and truth of each, wherein they have too long suffered. Free-Grace is the richest Diamond belonging to the Crown of our King Jesus; and what are all these that we hazard to our spiritual freedom, peace of conscience, everlasting life, and that exceeding glorious condition in God’s Kingdom! I Could not but give mine attest concerning this Author, and Book; he being a person known unto me for many years, and I can justly witness that he hath been, and is, a godly and faithful Minister, one whom I believe hath for many years tasted of, and enjoyed the truth, as it is in Jesus, and walked blamelessly in the simplicity and power thereof. Having been made, through the grace of God, a constant, and zealous instrument to bear forth his testimony against all unrighteousness of men, fleshly wisdom, carnal forms, and legal worship {though through much persecution, scandal, and suffering} wherein I judge him a faithful steward of the talent committed to his charge, being upheld through faith by the mighty power of God; and I cannot but much rejoice that God hath at this season drawn forth his spirit to oppose that Antichristian darkness, and fleshly wisdom that reigns in the children of disobediences, and I hope and pray that the Lord will bless it to the same end, unto which purpose he commends it to all that know and love the Lord in truth and sincerity; I am he who remains the lowest and least of Saints, John Webster, December, 26, 1653.