Gilbert Beebe
Originally Printed In 1832-1869
Posted On October 29, 2021
INTRODUCTION: In our lifetime quest to find the precious truths of Christ wherever they may be discerned, it pleased the LORD, over 20 years ago, to bring to our attention the writings of Gilbert Beebe, whom we immediately embraced, rejoicing in the precious truths of the Gospel as extracted by his pen. All of a sudden, we felt as one that had found a hidden treasure, the joy of which we wanted to share with others. The next few months were spent in reading everything that we could find by this author, whose writings, though wide and extensive, were essentially confined to a periodical called the SIGNS OF THE TIMES, {between the years 1832, which is when he began the paper, until his death in 1881,} six volumes of which, in the form of extracted editorials were already in print, which we basically read from cover to cover, confirming many essential truths that over the years had already been impressed upon our mind. In conjunction with these writings by Gilbert Beebe, we also began to explore the works of another Old School Baptist, by the name of Samuel Trott, whose writings, {which in like manner elevated our thoughts to and of Christ,} we began to extract from microfilm that we had purchased from the New York Public Library, and large photo copies {newspaper size} of the original SIGNS, which were painstakingly copied for us by a very dear brother from Maryland, who was very excited about our intention to gather together the writings of Trott; in fact, so much so, that he had them professionally printed in 1999 under the title of SELECT WORKS OF ELDER SAMUEL TROTT, published by WELSH TRACT PUBLICATIONS. After finishing this work, we offered our assistance in completing the 7th Volume of the Beebe EDITORIALS, which was gratefully accepted, and in less than a year, the final 7th Volume was published. It’s hard to believe that over 20 years have passed by, in which time the chief proprietor of this publishing endeavour {WELSH TRACT, and the Beebe EDITORIALS} was taken home to be with Christ, and all of the writings were made available online, by another friend, whose genuine love for these writings, in like manner, prompted him to not only reconstruct the seven-volume set into a readable format {pdf} but also to expand the writings themselves, by adding many additional articles. Sadly, the site was taken down in the summer of 2021, at which time we asked permission to post the EDITORIALS on our site, esteeming their contents far too valuable to lay dormant. Thus, with profound gratitude to those who have contributed their labours to this work, and chiefly to the LORD in making these writings known unto us, we pray that they may be instrumental in building up the household of faith. MPJ
BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH: Gilbert Beebe {1800-1881} was an American Baptist Minister, {of the Old School, Particular or often referred to the Primitive Baptist Persuasion,} Printer & Editor, {founded THE SIGNS OF THE TIMES Periodical,} and was for 35 years, Pastor of the New Vernon Old School Baptist Church of New York. He {according to his own brief autobiography, as published in the April, 1876 Edition of THE SIGNS OF THE TIMES} was born in Norwich, Connecticut, on November 25, 1800. He joined the Baptist Church at Norwich in 1811, and was baptized by Elder John Stipp. In 1816 he moved to New York City and joined Ebenezer Baptist Church, where he was called upon to exercise his gift of Preaching the Gospel, spending several years traveling to various States as an itinerant preacher. In February, 1823, he was married in the City of New York, {to Phebe Ann Cunningham} and in the same year was ordained pastor of the Baptist Church at Ramapo, New York, where he continued until May of 1826. He was then called to the pastorate of the Baptist Church at New Vernon, New York, becoming only the second pastor of the church since its constitution in 1786. This, and the Middletown and Wallkill Church, was to be the scene of his labours except for three years in Alexandria, Virginia, also serving the Broad Run, Virginia, Church and Shiloh Church in Washington, D.C. He continued, however, during this time to go to New Vernon which he served until his death in 1881. Sylvester Hassell in his HISTORY OF THE CHURCH OF GOD, on page 822, had this to say. “Elder Gilbert Beebe, of Middletown, N.Y., has had few equals, since the days of the apostles, in natural and spiritual abilities, in bold and faithful defense, both by tongue and pen, of the great fundamental truths of the Scriptures, and in the extensiveness of his ministerial labours. During his long ministry of sixty-three years he is believed to have preached about 10,000 sermons and traveled about 200,000 miles – sent forth, not in the manner of the nineteenth century, by ‘Missionary Funds,’ but in the manner of the first century, by the God of Grace and Providence.” DEATH: His obituary which appeared in the May 3, 1881 edition of the NEW YORK TIMES, had this to say, “when the Division in the Baptist Churches took place, nearly 50 years ago, {written in 1881,} and the Fullerites {named after Andrew Fuller} or New School Baptists, separated, Elder Beebe remained with the Primitive Body, and became its leading advocate … as a preacher he was remarkable for power, having a profound knowledge of the Scriptures, and was a vigorous writer … he retained his physical powers and mental vigor to the last, preaching the day before his death. His wife and several children survive him.” Writing in 1876, four years prior to his death, he had this to say, “my race is nearly run. I am now in the seventy-sixth year of my age. My voice will soon be silenced in death, my pen will pass into the hands of another, and I hope, abler writer, but the eternal truth for which I have so long contended will be lasting as the days of eternity. And when all the deceptive and luring doctrines and institutions of men shall be exposed, and all who have trusted in a refuge of lies shall bewail their folly and call for rocks and mountains to hide them from the face of him that sitteth upon the throne, and from the presence of the Lamb, those who know and love the truth shall in the truth rejoice for evermore.” WRITINGS: A Compilation of his Editorial Writings, as copied from the SIGNS OF THE TIMES, were published in 1868 {Volume 1} and 1874 {Volume 2} and these were reprinted along with 5 Additional Volumes {between the years 1984-2000} by Welsh Tract Publications, located in Salisbury, Maryland. A Hymn Book, which he compiled, entitled THE BAPTIST HYMN BOOK, was published in 1873. It’s title page sets forth the following description: The Baptist Hymn Book Comprising a Large and Choice Collection of Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs, adapted to the Faith and Order of the Old School or Primitive Baptists in the United States of America, carefully selected from various Authors, and published by Gilbert Beebe. This also was republished in 1991 by Welsh Tract Publications, Salisbury, Maryland.